
My thoughts on elevators and fire signs!

Trash cans on elevators KILL
If door opens and flames burn off your eyebrows...DONT GET IN
In case of fire...send Clay Aiken down to check things out!

While at the University of South Alabama recently, I noticed an odd sign posted beside the elevators. The sign itself was not peculiar but the wording sort of jumped out at me. It reads "In case of fire, elevators are out of order". Now I am no spelling or grammar wiz. In fact I am a struggling fourth grader when it comes to writing anything. I don't know....but this seems to read that the elevators are currently out of order. It does not say that in case of "A" fire. If I said to you that "In case of flooding, these doors are locked" would you not think the doors are currently locked.


Mr.Anonymous said...


Tator Salad said...

Are you mocking my industry? Because in case of harrassment, break legs (after using the stairs).

Tator Salad said...

Clay Aiken? It doesn't say anything about a closet. Although he is a fairy on Broadway...oh, I get it.....

Anonymous said...

That was funny! The people next to me in the library are looking at me strangly...