
The officially sanctioned NS report card and in-depth analysis of the AUBURN TIGERS

It seams everyone has an opinion on the failure of the Tigers to look like the team that was going to trample the SEC competition. To use the overused cliche of the year....."I drank the spread Kool-AiD" as well. The savior from Arkansas was going to be the re-incarnation of Damian Craig and be the Toomers Corner Tebow. Tony Franklin (who by the way sweats like he just finished a last chance workout on the Biggest Loser and always looks as if he is fresh off a three day bender) was going to preserve the tradition of the Auburn run game while lighting up that billion dollar T.V. scoreboard for at least 14 more P.P.G. Well here we are with one loss to the corndogs and boasting 3 touchdowns against league opponents.

One needs only to visit a chat room, blog, sports show or Moes bathroom to get the "experts" opinion on the source of the problem. It's that damn Cox...oh whoops..Chris Todd. According to the student section (as evidenced by the boo birds at last Saturdays game)all can be fixed by playing the fleet-footed Burns. Is this the key to Auburn's multi million dollar program? Can the national championship be as close as a simple eraser on the starting lineup? Did Tom Arnold really sayAuburn Sux on Youtube? The answer is NO..NO...YES.

I want to see Burns play as much as the next fan, but I do not think that he is a guaranteed win. In the interest of having you read this whole rant, I will go to Nanner Stand shorthand......

1. Burns has a better arm...this is a given

2. Burns can run better.....this is obvious

3. Burns is more exciting...I'm not blind

4. Burns can make plays.....we have seen it

5. Burns has the fans support

So why play Todd

1. Todd knows more of the offense.....this is the line from coaches

2. Todd Todd makes better decisions...I give this an honest 50/50 as both have made horrible choices so far

3. Todd performs better in practice....coaches words

The Nanner Stand has watched every home game inside the stadium and has made the following observations:

1. Todd can not make all the throws. For every good completion there are at least two throws that broadcast his very, very weak arm. Watching the kid play is honestly like watching a prep high school game. That being said, he has the same mojo as AU QB's before him...he has wins under his belt. I think Burns gives us a better chance of winning in games like LSU. His legs give the team a better chance to get a first down in close games or late in the fourth quarter. I am not one to buy into the conspiracy that Franklin is playing Todd because "It's his boy". You are going to honestly tell me that the guy gets a chance to coach at a big school, get a BIG paycheck and is going to blow it for some kid? Do you honestly think he just wants to go back to selling DVD's and seminar trips to high school coaches? He may need to spend a few minutes on the ab-roller but I think he plays the guy who runs his offense the best in practice. Here is the rub...............

The spread offense does not work for this team. Todd is not the guy to play 4 quarters or even start every game. Burns will not get better taking practice snaps. The real problem is the offensive line.....

1. Lee Ziemba is heralded as a NFL shoe in but this kid is like watching Chris Capps from Alabama. He misses blocks, holds on every play and cant master the ONE snap count they have.

2. Offensive linemen are lost! They don't know who to block. On any given play, at least 2 linemen will fail to block anyone. Linebackers are rarely blocked and if they are it is not long enough for the running back to get to the line of scrimmage. You watch teams like Oregon State and you see that the spread works when everyone makes their block. I used to take pride in saying that Auburn was one of the best conditioned teams in the nation. This offense looks tired, confused and as negative as the fans.

So yes make a QB change because at this point doing nothing is going to cost someone their job. Although Burns may not be the savior, he will ease the tensions in section 44 and keep fans driving to see the Tigers instead of UMS vs Saint Pauls. Make no mistake though, Burns wont fix an offensive scheme that doesn't fit the talent and will not make up for a talented but lost offensive line. Until next week WAR EAGLE and GO D!

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