
Kimbo Slice and the T.O effect! The media is out of control...please read and comment

I turned on the computer tonight and went to the trusty Yahoo to see what was happening in the world. I am a Yahoo guy and never ever Google. I dont know why but I have met people who are exclusively Google-ites. There in the little box that gives you a hot story line to intice a right click, was the caption "Kimbo exposed as a farce". For those who do not know, he got his start as an internet cult hero. He fought guys in back yards like this guy. He made his way to that UFC cage stuff not to long ago. Bottom line is the guy is one huge, tough, fighting machine. He knocks guys out like he's swinging cinder blocks and takes punches like Rocky Balboa. He is a real street guy and just raw with whatever tough guys have. Although I am not a big fan of that UFC stuff, I would watch this guy because there wasn't all that grappling, sweat exchange, homo erotic stuff.....NO there was just a bald guy with a big beard knocking MOFO's out!

So they guygets whooped 14 seconds into the fight by some chump. So the guy lost a fight. Whether it's guys knocking the stupid out of each other or college gameday, it takes very little these days to fall from favor. I know they say (whoever they are) that it's always "what have you done for me lately". Have we become so caught up in the ESPN culture of highlites and cliches that we are just following a guy hoping the shine wears off? Are we just showing up waiting on the "big wreck"? If you just don't follow.....let me just say this.....

T.O. is hammered by the media while in Philly. He was the cancer, the reason for all ills. According to the media he hated his team and probably stole the Linburgh baby. He goes to Dallas, helps the team win, says a lot of great things, makes friends with coaches, plays footsies with his new QB. Nobody in the media says a thing. Then the other day he sticks his foot in his mouth. Reporters clawed over one another and trampled old ladies to be the first to come on the air and say what a piece of shit this guy is. It's out of control. If we would of had this much fever for calling guys out on the carpet, O.J. wouldn't have bene playing golf for the last 10 years.

Anyway, Websters defines a "farce" as "A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery". Is that what one loss gets you these days? Well I hope this post isn't a farce and I hope the Yahoo blurb writter never takes up cage fighting! Untill next time.....YOU GOT KNOCKED THE #@#% out!


Anonymous said...

The only person worse in professional sports is Allen Iverson. T O is a cancer. I must admit I don't care as much because now he's taking on Romo. (Say it with me Jessica...over-rated.)
Philadelphia is counting their lucky stars he's gone. If anything you'd think Owens would keep his mouth shut. He could be playing in the Rams backfield.
If it's true that it's only one game, then that's even more reason for him to zip his lip.
Also...it was a slow news week. I mean the big stories were TO's small rant and Giselle and Tom might tie the knot. And not for nothing, but since his crying fit at the end of last year I think Romo and Owens have been almost as homo-erotic as those UFC guys you claim not to watch.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Now that is a great comment....did you happen to see the talk soup clip of Jessica Simpson rubbing her lips on that microphone...Ughhh she just lost about 45 HOT points....and don't make fun of Romo just because he has small hands.

Tator Salad said...

I read the same article by Dan Wetzel. He is known for his "on the edge" articles...which I like by the way. But anyway, I have never watched even one second of UFC or MMA or whatever so I can not comment on Kimbo. However, you are right, for the most part, that things are sensationalized because...you guessed it...thats all people care about!

I have to say that Jeanna;s right...he was a cancer in Philly just as Manny became in Boston. And Manny still cant keep his mouth either.

But, slow news week or not, high profile players will make ESPN for kissing the Dallas star at mid field but Shayne Graham visiting a childrens hospital is never known.

And, I used to think Jessica was okay, even a few sweet baby jesus' every now and then but boy has she lost it. Those small hands must be doing the devils work.

Tator Salad said...

Oh, isn't that idol hands? PO-Ta-To---PA-Ta-TO

Anonymous said...

Jessica never was nor will be hot. That just proves my point...