
Does every stadium have one of these guys?

I myself have picked up an extra cup or two from my bleacher neighbors on occasion. I always save my cups from each game because they are big enough for those of us who are incurably addicted to diet soda to make fewer trips to the kitchen. Every game I watch as the people file out (with frowns and disgust on their face) the cup collectors scurry like their on a timed shopping spree. They jump and run and leap over greasy nacho containers and Crown Royal miniatures to build a 50 cup tower of plastic. The pros know to leave the Skoal receptacles be. I wonder how many of these do they need? Are they selling used cups on e-bay? Is there a world record being sought or maybe their sending them to poor African children who don't have cups. Well one day I will ask the tough questions....until then...My name is Jimmy Joe Meeker and I will return your phone call.

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

Yep, every team has one or a dozen. Dont understand myself. Maybe they use them at the wedding.

Is this picture taken in the second quarter of the Arkansas game?