
OK this is my greatest find ever! At the fair and I run across my HERO...the MAD TV Kenny Rogers character! Read below if you dont know who he is!

OK, for those of you who are not familiar with the fake Kenny Rogers, please click the video below and wait till about the 30 second mark. EXACT twins I tell you. I swear my mouth hit the ground when I saw this guy at the fair. Oh yea, if you have not seen the skit below.....watch it and enjoy comedy at its best.


Tator Salad said...

Nice find! Your right...looks just like him. Good pics from the fair. I took my camera but never took any pics. I really didn't see anybody due to all the camo.

Did you see the midget and snake lady?

Anonymous said...

Ok, why does the corn dog resemble a penis in the top picture, Kenny Rogers is a perv!