
This weeks...Which is Better! posted in coments for easy reference!

1. Comforter or blanket
2. New sneakers or the worn in pair
3. Sweatshirt or jacket
4. Cigar smell or pipe smell
5. Hunting or fishing
6. Boiled weenie or right out of the package cold
7. T.V in bed or T.V on the couch
8. Sneazing out loud or holding it in
9. Runny nose or stopped up nose
10. Shirt thats to tight or pants that are to snug

A female hair stylist or a male hair stylist


Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

1. Comforter or blanket
2. New sneakers or the worn in pair
3. Sweatshirt or jacket
4. Cigar smell or pipe smell
5. Hunting or fishing
6. Boiled weenie or right out of the package cold
7. T.V in bed or T.V on the couch
8. Sneezing out loud or holding it in
9. Runny nose or stopped up nose
10. Shirt that's to tight or pants that are to snug

A female hair stylist or a male hair stylist

Anonymous said...

1. blanket
2. new...there's a reason you're buying them.
3. sweatshirt unless i'm headed out.
4. pipe
5. pass
6. what?? i'm gonna say blackened
7. couch
8. out loud
9. runny...if you knew the size of my nose, you'd understand
10. shirt---but normally i try to buy clothes that actually fit.
Bonus--I've used the same girl for 10+ years so I'll take the double XX chromosome.

Tator Salad said...

1.) Comforter with no sheet
2.) Worn in but once you get the new pair you wonder why you didn't get the ones sooner.
3.) Sweatshirt -- I am not sure I have worn a jacket since
4.) Pipe, my brother actually still smokes the corn pipe
5.)) Fishing. Cold weather, 5 a.m. -not so much
6.) Microwaved weenie
7.) Draw
8.) Out loud and proud.
9.) Runny, I like to beathe. Yep, good call La-JJ. I have seen it.
10.) Shirt. Camel toes are hideous.

Bonus: I cut my own