
Walking needs a theme song?

I thought I would blog a few observations as the dirty old dude wondering around the campus of USA. That's right all you whipper-snappers, I was one strapping my backpack and blowing off class for noon beers at Solomons when you were just a .....well you know the cliche. Although college is still the same when it comes to skipping class and sleeping off hangovers in the humanaties walkthrough, the look has taken a technological and impersonal feel. How are students getting "close loving" these days? If that is to offensive then I say how are students even sharing a solo cup at the open frat party? It seems that everyone on campus is either locked down on a cell phone or loosing their hearing through those thin, white music cords. i-pods are everywhere. I'm not talking about drowning out background noise....no sir...it's an all day soundtrack.

I ask you, who needs a theme song to walk across campus? Do we really need the motivation of the newest Nickleback to coach us through time at the urinal? I have never found any music I could listen to all day long. The problem is that while Joe Jock is listening to the latest podcast of hot items at the American Eagle store, the chic with the tight boom boom is strolling by with a "Get me drunk and take advantage t-shirt" on. Maybe these i-pods are the newest devices to spread the power of abstinance. College should be about the important things in life: Girls, Girls, big mistakes, oh yea GIRLS.

I guess times are a changing. Solomons is closed down, Poor Richards is just a name that gives away your age and college is all about books. Untill next time.....turn down the Hootie young man and check out more booty!

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