
What's Better: "Halloween Edition"

1. Dracula or Frankienstien

2. Homemade costume or Store bought

3. A bag for candy collecting or the plastic pumpkin

4. Pigging out on candy corn or those mini candy bars

5. Elvira or Mortisha from the Adams family

6. Adams family or the Munsters

7. Teen wolf or Silver bullett (the one with the whealchair kid)

8. Best Halloween symbol: Black cat or Witch on a broom

9. Giving out candy or turning off the porch light and pretending your not home

10. Halloween or bring on the next damn holiday

DO you decorate for the all hollowed eve?


Anonymous said...

. Dracula or Frankienstien

2. Homemade costume or Store bought

3. A bag for candy collecting or the plastic pumpkin

4. Pigging out on candy corn or those mini candy bars

5. Elvira or Mortisha from the Adams family

6. Adams family or the Munsters

7. Teen wolf or Silver bullett (the one with the whealchair kid)

8. Best Halloween symbol: Black cat or Witch on a broom

9. Giving out candy or turning off the porch light and pretending your not home

10. Halloween or bring on the next damn holiday

DO you decorate for the all hollowed eve?

Anonymous said...

1. Frankie
2. Depends how poor I am at halloween
3. Plastic pumpkin
4. I HATE candy corn! Minis all the way!
5. Mortisha of course
6. Adams Family
7. Teen Wolf b/c I've never seen Silver Bullet
8. Black Cat
9. Depends how anti social I am
10. Halloween
Bonus: Yes, slightly

Tator Salad said...

1.) Dracula...he can be a bat! But I prefer Blackula. Have you seen it?
2.) Homemade all the way (as a kid). Store bought as adult.
3.) Plastic pumpkin
4.) Candy corn...a fav
5.) Elvira
6.) Adams Family
7.) Teen Wolf
8.) Witch
9.) Give it out
10.) NEXT

BONUS: One purple plastic skeleton that La JJ gave me last year.