
Odds and Ends

--There are so many bride/wedding shows these days.....how long until we just get an all wedding channel?

--Why do we shy away from the homeless but are friendly to stray dogs?

--Sometimes when I am driving, I can't remember the last few miles...it's like auto-pilot or something.

--Elvis Presley made 52 million dollars this year. The number one selling dead person. Who was number 2? Charles Schultz and Snoopy.

--Have you ever noticed that all these shows about people killing their wife or children are rich off their ass? What is it about coin that makes people lose their mind?

-- Some lawyer keeps telling me that if I lost a limb or died due to some Yamaha 4 wheeler....I could get a "cash award". Is it really an "Award" if I lost my arms?

--Brad Oguynn in a movie: CLICK HERE

--Willis Wilcox in a movie: CLICK HERE

--Brian Genard in a movie: CLICK HERE

--Cup in a movie: CLICK HERE

-- Carmen in a movie:CLICK HERE

--Shannon in a movie (even though she says I am blind):CLICK HERE

--Oh yea...the guy from a few posts back....the one you had to guess who he was....it was former city commisioner Lambert Mims. Better known as the "LambChop"

--The South Alabama Jaguars to play Tenn. Vols in 2013...WOW..It seems more real now.


Anonymous said...

I do not look like that woman! You're beyond blind! And the fact that you think your friends look like these other people proves it! None of us look like these people!!

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Ok ...first of all Mrs. Mini, this is a movie. I don't think they are twins. I dont think that Juaquin Phoenix(however you spell his name) looked anything like Johnny Cash. They have a feature that reminds you of the other person. If you were watching a movie I think you could easily pick out who was supposed to be who...come on...the Brian genard is a dead ringer. Now me...I like Busey but everybody knows I am a dead ringer for a Don Johnson (the Nash Bridges years). You got corn clouding your judgement

Anonymous said...

Second of all Mr. Meeker, I'll give you the Brian one but that's it! If I look like that woman then I do indeed look like every Hispanic woman that exists, as the white people tell me. After all we have dark hair, eyes, and skin. Fourth of all, I LOVE CORN! But not Corny

Anonymous said...

I hate dogs