
Welcome to "the wealth spreading"

Just heard today that Congress will be pushing for a minimum wage increase as their first social agenda item. This will easily pass as they have more than enough seats. What does this mean? Well think about this.....Anyone out there making around $44,000 a year will soon be able to get a dried out hamburger (not made the way you ordered it) from a person making half of their anual income. The push is to double minimum wage...thats over $10 per hour. Thats right...$10 to get buggies at Walmart....or take your fast food order. The problem will be when you go to your boss and ask for an increase in YOUR pay! All I heard about during this past election was "The Mom and POP" business...we got to look out for the small stores...the backbone of the country. Well, I hope Mom and Pop have good backs because they aren't going to be able to hire anybody to help out.

Untill next time...say hi to MOM and POP...they work at Wally World now!

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