
The Tebow family are some good people

What ever you do, follow these rules closely:

1. If the Tebow family boards an airplane....fly another day

2. If the Tebow family goes bungee jumping....stay inside and avoid all electrical outlets

3. If you pass the Tebow family mini van on there way to build some houses for the poor......pull off at the next rest stop and spend the night.

4. Learn CPR

One day some poor sap is going to buy the farm on the same day as Timmy tebow and as your standing in that line to get your ticket punched by Saint Peter, you are going to realize that Tebow is behind you. You will slowly make your way to the 2 elevators and realize there is only one spot left on the ride to the golden city. I would hate for old Saint Peter to compare life stats between me and TT. He is one Hell of a football player, but that guy ruins the curve for us all when it comes to "walking the good path".

Until next time........Clean up your closet!


Tator Salad said...

I hear ya. Did you hear the guys calling in Sports Radio the other day questioning his Christianity because he would run over a pump up the band and fans in the end of the end zone? Is that the moral character of a christian?

(lowering head) It was an Alabama fan.

On another note I heard the old "the referee's were awful -- something has to change". It is absurd what some people will say after you lose a game. I thought it was a well judged game except for 1 or 2 calls. As in any game.

Tator Salad said...

Love the cam....there you are looking at porn as I type. I agree with you....we need a Pimpy Cam!