
web cam is back!

The live Nanner Cam is back up and running thanks to the D&D gang in IT. The Meeker put a call in to the layer of geeks and they explained that I had a RAM overload. The way they laid it out for my small brain went something like this:

"The RAM is like a drawing board and all your programs run on the RAM. Think of it as a giant plug strip. If you get to much plugged in...BOOM....shutdown." (I instantly saw the dad in a Christmas Story plugging in the leg lamp)"Your computer, Mr. Meeker, has plenty of hard drive (guess I didn't need to delete all that stolen music off last night...DAMN) but your RAM is at its max." Long techy story later............"here is a new updated software package that should help"

Well here we are...barely! So now I will start to figure out what to do with the idea of live streaming. I doubt anyone will want to see me eat nanners all day. I have some ideas so hopefully this will turn out to be fun! Stay tuned and don't be scared to post some ideas. NOT GOING TO BE 24 HOURS...JUST WHEN THE MEEKER IS IN THE OFFICE!

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