I have been a Billy fan since 1990. This makes my fourth concert in 18 years. I was as excited as a 5 year old at Disney World as i walked into the theater last night. It has been a long 12 years of wearing out my CD's and just hoping for one more show. Thank the Lord that he is very fond of our little town and put on this magnificent show for FREE. We are talking about a musician who is considered not only the best at what he does but one of the most gifted musical minds in the world. I wish everyone I know could experience the power of his music. His music is so powerful and so moving that it actually brought Cat from 92zew to tears while introducing him to the crowd last night. I can't explain the emotion that exist during his concerts. It was even more amazing that he still comes out after the concert and talks to everyone who came to the show. We got a chance to talk and he is still as humble as ever. I will be posting some of my pictures including my 1990 picture and my 2009 picture with Billy. He was as awesome as always and even better due to his ability to overcome a horrible disease known as Focal Dystonia. imagine spending over half your life developing your gift and reaching the pinacle of your profession and then have it all taken away. In 2001, Billy thought his life of making music was over. Twenty five years of work and so much music in his head that would never get made. He refused to accept the diagnosis as the end and completely relearned to play every note of his complicated music with his left hand. People will work their whole life and never reach his level of talent and in a short period he defied all odds with this comeback. He will be coming back to Mobile sometime in June and will be bringing the band with him. SEE YOU THERE!Here are some linksBilly Myspace Billy website Billy Wiki

Helms Place
"The Billy Mac Music Story"
Yea, I liked him too but I never heard a word that he was coming. Great story. Was a good crowd there?
Great crowd! could have been more if it was in bigger theater. I will let you know when he comes back for sure.
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