
E-Verify dropped from the stimulus package

Do yourself a favor and spend some time reading this post about E-verfy!!

So, I was really wanting to go off on a rampage tonight and say some things that would probably get me put on some watch list, but I calmed down and will save my Obama is a fool rant for a later date. I will just say that most Americans are the stupidest people in the world and have no concern that we are headed for something much bigger than just a crisis. I am the first to say that these conservative talk show host and conspiracy theory morons are part of the problem. Some (not all) are so over the top with their bashing the left that people just tune out. Many of them never just focus on telling the public in a nice educated way what the issue is and why it is wrong. They like to take things like where Obama gave his first interview and turn in into the start of an effort to turn us all into Muslims. They junk up the communication as bad as the politicians and expect Americans to filter through the crap.

For all you people who do not even keep up with the simplest of news, I will give you an opportunity to redeem yourself. Jeff Sessions made some headlines this past weak by alerting us that the Senate was going to eliminate the requirement that anyone receiving stimulus money must use the (formerly) voluntary E-Verify system. E-Verify was created so that employers could verify that a new hire was eligible to work in the US. Basically it matches names and social security numbers to weed out illegal aliens. Sessions point was that if we are going to use taxpayer money to get Americans back to work )building roads and bridges as Obama keeps touting) we need to make sure Americans are getting the jobs. How does it help the economy if illegal aliens are being employed and the money possibly being sent out of the country?

The other side of the coin is made up of people who contend that E-Verify is a flawed system that has to many delays, wrongly identifies legal workers as illegal, delays "shovel" ready products by weeks and is abused by the employer. So all this bitching led to a standoff and the clause was removed from the stimulus package.

I will give you 2 really good links here that lay out some of the issues. You look at them and decide if this is something that could be just another blow to a sinking country or a good move by the Senate. I will go ahead and tell you that I think this should be the top story on every news station. If you failed to see my post Click here and you will not believe your ears a while back about congress wanting to ensure "unskilled, non white construction workers" were hired for road and bridge construction then you might want to revisit it. This is leading to unskilled labor working for less money impacting the safety of your family and the security of this nation. Shame on America. Tell me what you think

E-verify dropped from stimulus

Is E-verify effective

1 comment:

Kimberly Wright said...

I have issues with the whole stimulus plan, but having the E-verify requirement removed is not one of them. Sadly our government is slow when it comes to technological advances. They are always two steps behind, fail to update their software and databases in a timely fashion and have limited cross-agency cooperation in this area. I believe the second link gives a more accurate depiction of the problems associated with the E-verify system. In the first article, supporters of the E-verify system downplay any problems with the reliability of the program - and isn't this par for the course when it comes to our government? It is no secret that every government agency, including DHS, is having trouble keeping up with rapidly growing and evolving technologies. There are continued security issues with federal government computer operations as well. These problems continue to be pointed out to the federal government and while they are not ignored they are put on the back burner because of the money it involves.
As for the last thing mentioned in your post, well one would hope that qualified, skilled workers would be hired to work on our roads and bridges. I'm not sure if these men misspoke or if they really believe only unskilled non-white workers should be hired. I would hope, and this is me giving folks the benefit of the doubt, that what they really meant to say was that they wanted the work to be distributed among all people of color and that no prejudice would be shown to people based on their race or gender - with some on the job training perhaps for those not fully qualified? who knows. I try hard these days not to be too cynical.