
Enough with this baby making lady!

How long are we going to hear about this crazy artificial baby making machine? This is another example of why having a baby should be strictly controlled by the government. I know what you are thinking. I have not lost my mind and get the firing squad and concetration camps out of your mind.

The problem is that once a child is born, we as humans have an obligation to help that child. It's not his/her fault their parents had no common sense. The problem is that we have to....in the words of a skinny sheriff.....nip it in the bud. Now I dont have all the answers but here are some things I throw out there for you to consider.

1. How about this....you get a one kid gimme and then if you are drawing assistance checks from the government you get a bonus check to not have any more. Sounds pretty good huh? In the long run you save money I think.

2. How about if you have 2 kids and are dependant on gov. check......you get implanted with a birth control device that a doctor has to remove? Sounds resonable to me. If their condition improves then they are set free to fire back up the oven.

3. How about woman like this most recent lady.....what if we just say enough is enough and sterelize people who cant control their procreating activities. You might find that harsh but is it any more ruthless than bringing 12 or so babies into a life of no father, no money and no security. When do we get tough and draw the line.

4. Impose baby limits like China did at one point. Should we cap the number of children based on level of income. What would the punishment be?

Just thought it should be thrown out there.


Kimberly Wright said...

Unsure if this was written tongue in cheek or with full validity of your feelings but I am going to answer.

I don't want the government, the church or anyone else for that matter telling me what I can and can't do with my body, my daughters' bodies, or any other person for that matter. We travel into dark territory when we begin to judge peoples reproductive choices.
You mentioned the income limit. How will anyone be able to legislate what is too much or too little to raise a family? Many of us, like my family of 7, survive on an income that most families of four would think is too little. Income is objective. Unfortunately people also suffer from hardship, layoffs, and medical emergencies - even with the best planning.

And forced birth control? Geez. When it fails do we then have forced abortions? What about those who have moral objections to birth control because they believe it causes abortion? Slippery slope my friend.

As for China, the one child rule has caused many human rights violations. Forced abortion, forced sterilization, infant abandonment and infanticide. China also has one of the highest abortion rates in the world, especially in the second trimester after the sex of a child can be determined by ultrasound and not far from the age of viability.

While indeed, I understand your frustration with people who take advantage and act irresponsible with their fertility and sexuality, I tend to take the view that I would rather $$$ go to needy families (responsible or not)than many of the other things our government spends money on (bank bailout comes to mind). I also tend to keep in mind that at one time I was reckless and irresponsible with my sexuality. It's just by chance that a child did not result from it.

IF only this would have been about forcing birth control or paying checks to drug addict women having crack babies we would have been in full agreement.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Now that is what i call a comment! First let me clarify. I honestly am not frustrated or overly concerned with this situation. I do not agree or disagree with any of those ideas. I truly would not want to sit and really think through them. This blog just gets the party started. I always like to stoke the fire and see what people think.
I know it is a problem but a problem that I am in no way qualified to help solve. I was just curious as to the various responses I would get from those with different perspectives. Very nicely laid out and most of your points on why it WOULD not be a good idea were the same ones I was thinking when I wrote them. It just shows that the solution is not just sitting there waiting to be implemented.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

The problem with this issue is it is always discussed with emotion in the front seat. Having worked in a WIC clinic in the poorest city in the second poorest state, I have seen women who should be jailed or even sterilized on the spot....sometimes a bullet even crossed my mind.

I also have seen all those babies who would not be given an ounce of food by their dirty little prostitute mother if not for that $160 check. It is easy for people to say cut the money off, but until the see who it is they would really be punishing (baby) they really can not make an informed decision.

So I leave the solution to someone much smarter than old Jimmy Joe.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Maybe they could include free condoms with every six pack of Bud.

Kimberly Wright said...

Interesting that you, Mr. Meeker worked in a WIC office. I'm actually a big proponent of the WIC program, as it is not just for the welfare mom but in Alabama a family of four on a teachers salary qualifies - which just happens to fall into the states average income. I'm sure your tenure there gave you quite an eye full to all walks of life, and no doubt saw the worst of breeders come through the door.

As for handing out condoms with each six pack. This doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. Unfortunately though I think user error may come into play the more Buds one was to slug down the hatch. I'm also not sure the average Bubba wouldn't use them as balloons.

jd said...

I can honestly tell you as someone who has to deal with people like this every single day. A government provided check should require you to be on birth control. The form of that is in question, I would prefer the depo shots b/c it can be controlled by a physician who can report a patient who doesn't show for their birth control. I am also completely for if you are on disability and never plan to work again, you need to be steralized. Say what you want about this not being fair, I promise you less than 10 percent of the people on disability are disabled. I can honestly tell you there is nothing more frustrating than a women with 4 kids who she says can not afford medicine for sitting in your exam room playing on her iPhone. She is doing this while collecting her government check and paying almost nothing for health care. The cold hard truth is that while people may not like it, people who live off the government should be controlled by the government. I think people sometimes confuse their ability to lead responsible and managed life as reason that other people should be allowed this option. For the large majority of the population this is fine. I would argue that the irresponsible portion of our country who have demonstrated their inability to manage their life, need someone to do it for them. I often say to people this country is about 10 million people to heavy. That is likely a conservative number. My wife and I are thinking we will have 3 or 4 children, which I believe we can support very well. I have also already thought about their college, their high school, and many other cost associated with children. The problem with people collecting government checks, is they do not think about these things. If they did their head would likely explode, seeing as the idea of returning their shopping cart to the buggy rack takes more brain power than they can garner at one time. All this being said, I would have no problem with a planned parenthood type organization determining the fertility future of the government subsidized human being. Freedom was intended for people who do not need the assistance of the government to live. We are said to have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those words do not include the right to a government check so you may procreate with no regard for the life you are creating. The children born to these people are over 90 percent unplanned, so why should we feel bad for steralizing these people. We would just be helping them with something they are to ignorant to do themselves.

Kimberly Wright said...

Hello JD :)

What you are suggesting goes against every part of our constitution, laid out by our founding fathers. Slavery was done away some time ago, and aside from that there is nothing in our American history that suggests that freedom is for a certain class of people and not for others.

Sure there are those who have taken advantage of the system, but it is naive to say that all those who receive government assistance are taking advantage of the govt or the tax payers at large. Hardship falls on all sorts of people, ranging from the blue collar worker to the physician. I would beg to differ that most that receive aid have been irresponsible, especially those who get disability. Maybe it is my life experience that has taught me more compassion and less judgment the more I have seen families encounter children with special needs and medical conditions that require them to turn to the "people" yes the tax payers and government for help. Or let me not forget the families that had solid incomes only to be handed their walking papers, lose their health care benefits, and then be unable to find employment OR employment that paid what they once made. Don't get me wrong, I am equally disturbed and angry that there are those working the system and have luxuries such as you mention. Abuse happens each and every day but for the bad, should the good be punished with acts of communism and violation of basic human rights and freedoms? I should hope not!

I also think it is wrong to assume that the poor or working poor that are receiving help from the government do not care about their future or the future of their children. While I am sure there are some that are ignorant many or not. Let us educate the ignorant because they make decisions because they often do not know. Then there are those who are just stupid and careless no matter how much education they have received. Let's not lump them all together.

There is something fundamentally wrong with trying to force birthcontrol or sterilization on a class of people. Had this been the case, many great scientists, mathematicians, physicians, athletes and contributors to society would not be here today. I think in issues of reproduction, a fundamental and basic human right we must tread carefully, even when we feel their is justification for imposing such sanctions as forced contraception.

Let me conclude with saying that the majority of pregnancies that occur are unplanned no matter what your social class or income is. Birth control fails and the unexpected can occur. It warms my heart that you and your wife are planning a family and giving so much thought to it - just keep in mind that what may be the right path for you to take may not be the right path for all of us to take. I believe we are both on the same side - just looking at it through different glasses looking for solutions for something that definitely is a problem.

And this has been a invigorating discussion for this 30-something mother of five!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I am in agreement with you, but this IS America and we're entitled to our rights and freedoms and the pursuit of HAPPINESS and yada, yada...

It's a tough issue, because as compassionate humans, we must care for the children born to irresponsible parents. It has been my experience that any consequence for the mother negatively affects the child.

As a pro-lifer, I'm am a firm believer that pregnancy can be avoided. I liken it to a partner/lover with HIV. You certainly could avoid transmitting the disease with appropriate caution. "Accidental" pregnancies happen, but not at the rate of excuses.

This lady, however, I think had an agenda and she's getting the attention she wanted. She's on every news show, has a website, on Dr. Phil, wants a reality show - and we are feeding her obsession.

Bottom line, until there are earthly consequences for irresponsibility, we will have these bottom feeders.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

"Accidental" pregnancies happen, but not at the rate of excuses"

This could the best line of the year!