I don't know why, because I went to the parades until about 2000, but I just do not have any interest in the Mardi Gras. I have nothing against it or the people in the organizations. The last ball I went to left me standing elbow to elbow in the hallway of the civic center thinking "have I been here before?". You see, of the 10-12 balls I have attended, they are the same exact thing every time. Same clothes, same music, same people, same drinks, same ending. I am not saying i will not go to a ball every now and then, but it's just not my favorite place in the world. So come Fat Tuesday, I will not be on the streets of LODA. If you happen to catch any of those new PB moon pies, pass a few my way MMMMMMMM.
Is this from the Polka Dot Parade because I think that is my aunt!
The first Mardi Gras parade I ever went to was with you, I am not sure if you remember but we stood not far from the McDonalds and someone got shot right down from us.
Dont go...dont care.
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