
The world needs more Shaq! so how does Koby's $#@ taste?


Tator Salad said...

Shaq is definitely more colorful and probably cares a smudge less about the fame and glory (at least at this point in his career) than Kobe does but I still dont care to much for him. Yes, he does great things for charities...but so does Kobe. People just seem to forget their off court troubles, affairs, hijinks, etc. The NBA is a joke.

Where are the true and pure sports figures like Jim Abbot, Shaun Alexander, Willie McGhee....none of the bullcrap just play for the love of the game. Those days are gone.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Soon as you said Willie McGhee I instantly thought about his 11 inch neck.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Soon as you said Willie McGhee I instantly thought about his 11 inch neck.