
NBC 15 exposing Katrina refuges

I saw a promo this morning about a special news story tonight about "The Refuges" as they are called. I had to chuckle at how the public sympathy has turned to outrage. The promo went something like this: "Last year we brought you the story of Katrina refuges living here in FEMA apartments." "Now we return and they are still there." The funny part was that they show a man and a lady sitting on the balcony in lawn chairs drinking a Bud heavy. The cameraman zooms in really close on the Bud can as the man brings it to his lips. In my head i screamed...FINALLY!

It is coming up on 4 years people! It is time to get off the sympathy teet. This thing has turned into a big beer drinking holiday. I am not a bad guy, but come on people. I will refrain from going into a full scale rant here, but let me just say that it is time to take your ass back to New Orleans. The city of Houston gratefully opened up there city to over 250,000 refuges. Over 120,000 still reside in the city. According to news reports the Katrina-nites were involved in 59 homicides in just 6 months. Violent crime in the city went up 14%. in some areas where many of them settled, the crime rate has doubled.

The rest of the country, who still think these people are victims, do not realize the drain on a city that all these people cause. Some of you reading this will say.."Not all of those refuges are just hanging out drinking beer and stealing money". YOU ARE RIGHT! The ones who have some since of decency have either went home or started a new life with a job. I am talking about the ones still holding on to the refuge status and living off the government.

You can call New Orleans a city with heritage and culture, but those who live on the Gulf Coast know the truth. The city is a dump. The city is a shit hole of crime and filth. It is dirty, crime ridden, dangerous and stinks like a gas station toilet. Sure you can go and party, but you sure as Hell wouldn't live there. So all you refuges can take your Mardi Gras lifestyle back to Bourbon street. We do not want it!

For all you people who think New Orleans is so great.....I saw this exact bridge and all these people when i was there less than a year ago. people drunk and screaming at cars as they pass. New Orleans...Americas largest ghetto!

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

Yep. Yep. Spot on. I only go for Razzoos.