The incredible GC. Could the loyal order of non-dads ask for a better grand poobah? The stellar good looks at a young 47 make the "Cloon" (that's what we call him around the lodge on steak and poker night)one Hell of a spokesman for the boys who choose not to take on the daddy day care role. In today's world where parents with tons of kids get million dollar T.V. deals and tax breaks for increasing the population, the band of seed hording rebels like us are seen as some kind of social rebel. More than often, especially in the "cloon's" case, people want to convince you that you are making a horrible decision. they try to tell you all about the wonders of sleep deprivation and the joys of kid wrangling in a busy grocery store. We have managed to overcome our shunned existence and our incredibly shrinking numbers, to lie proudly in the recliner on a Saturday afternoon and watch R rated movies in peace. We do however have our fair share of struggle my friend.
We are constantly having to make decisions. What am i going to do after work today? What fun adventure awaits this weekend? What am I to do with that extra 50 I didn't give the babysitter? Married with children people do not have the stress that is making out a social calender. Oh no my friend, those non-group members are rarely troubled with having to actually spend quality time with their wife or girlfriend....on a school night! Do you realize how hard it is to fill the time that is created when you do not have to cook and clean for more than two? It is a tough existence my fellow readers and one that can not be taken lightly.
You actually have to spend all that money that would normally be set aside for braces, college and Hollister clothing. This club is not for every man and we have lost our fair share of brethren through the years. Many of our fellow members will tell you all about the joys of the "outside world"......but don't get converted by these disgruntled or unlucky few. This lifestyle is not for the easily swayed or the faint of heart. Many women will try and pull a David Blain on you and get that coveted tax exemption. Stay true OH shrinking few.....stay true.
In honor of our president I wish all of you a happy, adventure filled, relaxing weekend!
Until next time........wear your jeans and save your Genes!
What is so special about everyone's DNA that they feel the need to pass it on??
Cloon has been busy working with children in Darfur. Sister Mary from the gas station was correct. Saw it on tv
I remain.
Do I want to sleep on Saturday at noon....check
What about those science fair projects.......nahhh
Golf Tuesday afternoon....check
Fly away to U2 concert on a whim...check
All thats good plus I like to cook chicken with a side dish of Cheez-It's.
Why....because I can.
Amen brother! We answer to no child and we do what we want b/c WE CAN!!!!!
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