
The Nanner doing a littleSpring cleaning......enjoy the junk we found in the bottom of the file cabinet!....OH SHIT the Swine Flu is in my office!

1. Laugh like there is no tomorrow at this Hipster fool pic site...WTF

2. keep an eye out because it is officially Alabama Wolf Spider time. They are poisonous but not deadly. The can ruin your month!



5. Just remember...the Jews are the "Good Guys"...Yea right....sounds like a little Hitler wore off on them.


7.LOVE THESE GUYS...Watch more of there stuff on Youtube

8. When it comes to the saggy rapper pants......I hate them like everyone else, but Think we need to play fair. I say the black kids can be made to pull their pants up when white people stop dressing up like cowboys, stop putting roll cages and tin can mufflers on Honda Civics like they are extras in a 2Fast2Furious movie and stop with the Justin boots on a 100 degree summer day.

9. Cartman does his take on the Somalian pirates...FUNNY FUNNY Click HERE

10.Swine Flu is old hat....The news makes it sound like this is something new and is going to kill off the planet....check out this 1976 commercial about....you guessed it....swine flu. See if you can also catch the sexual innuendo!Click here and get the Swine Flu

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