
Took a little time to watch the last debate tonight.....as did the idiot below

The Nanner does not support either candidate at this point. I don't know who I will pull the lever for on that big day. So with that being said.....

1. Watching CNN right now on line. It is sad that we let everyone vote for the president. Why is it that every Obama supporter talks like they dropped out of school in the 9th grade. I am so tired of hearing "I think he hitted on all the points, like the education and such...the war...he bring a sense of help. We gotta have the help". "He can do the right thing....He just has the presence".

2. Is Johnny Mac asleep at the wheel. Does he not watch the same news we watch. Stop talking about ideology, fiscal floor spending and diplomatic pre-conditions. You are behind because the voters who will swing this thing are the kind of people who screw up your burger order, hang their Marlboro out the window of their rusted out car and have 4 kids they can't afford.

3. We have all driven through or been in bad neighborhoods and bad cities. Obama is not going to spread magic fairy dust over these places and cause poor people to run off to college and get real jobs. He says he is for the middle class but I think his definition and my definition of middle class is very different. I think you have to work your way to middle class not be brought to it by the government. That being said....Johnny Mac will always look out for the country club people I will never rub elbows with. When a mans wife wears a $300,000 dress to a debate aligns himself with the same crooks that ran us into this economic mess.

4. SO what do we do?.............we get up go to school or work tomorrow, raise your kids right, buy what you can afford, work hard, lock your doors and hope we come up with a better set of fruitcakes next time.

Until then....Call Liberty, they will help you live a better life.

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