
Tell me what you think!

The following information is referenced from Brad O'Leary who has authored political books on economics and politics.

I find this very interesting:

Obama says his plan will give "a tax cut to 95% of Americans....95%"

THE PROBLEM: 30% of Americans pay no taxes because they do not work or they do not make enough to be taxed. The majority of the tax burden is payed by 70% of Americans.

FUNNY MATH: If 70% are paying....how are 95% going to get a tax cut?

THE ANSWER: 70% get a tax break and 30-35% get an increase in welfare. Then UH-OH where is that money gonna come from? Obama said "how many plumbers do you know making $250,000 a year"....none now because they will be penalized to pay for those who need a flat screen in the trailer or some new rims on their car.

BEST DESCRIPTION OF THE OBAMA PLAN I HAVE HEARD: "Obamas plan....It's like telling kids in school that if you are making C's then nothing will change. If you are making D's then you will see an increase in the curve so that you are now making C's. For every A that you make you have to spend 2 hours tutoring a C student. Let's just all make D's"

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

Another good post.

Vote Deano.....he doesn't pee on rugs.