
If you do not think the BIG LEBOWSKI is the greatest comedy of all time......you will not find this video funny. This one goes out to JOE D

If you have not seen it....shame on you. If you don't get it....I really don't know why we are friends. It is only the third most quoted movie behind Star Wars and Caddy Shack. This movie is to me what Shawshank Redemption is to the BOG. I can watch it 3 times in one day. Some people want to go to Disney World or the Bahamas.....I want to go to the shrine of "Dude-ism"...Lebowski Fest. A place I can dress up like "the other Lebowski", bowl on Shamus and go to the ATM with Bunny. The mad Hungarian knows what I'm talking about! UNtill next time....SHAM_WOW

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

Okay, that was kind of weird but it is a great movie too --

"Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind, uh, limber."