
Auburn Vs Georgia tomorrow.....train hits the road at 5am

Headed to the big game tomorrow in Auburn. Some goober decided to make it an 11:30 kickoff!. So the train pulls out at the butt crack of dawn to see what has the makings of a blood bath. My only hope is that Georgia stops off at a Stuckeys on their way in for burgers made by a cook who also cleans urinals. A bad case of food poison, a 25 mph wind and maybe some NEEDHAM HEX VOODOO MAGIC will propel the Tigers to victory! I think Auburn might surprise me tomorrow, but I will have my cheerleader binoculars ready just in case.

Until next time....Welcome to MOES!


Anonymous said...

Hey, no watching the cheerleaders without me!!

Anonymous said...

5 AM! That is why the train rolled without me!