
Well it has been almost 1000 posts for the team here at the Nanner Stand and there is no sign that it will not be here for 1000 more.

Blogging has become the present of what was once the future (wait..isn't that everything?). No one goes to the newspaper to get the news. Only people over 60 still watch the evening news. Who needs ESPN? I have said over and over that anything you really want to know...somebody is blogging it. Blogging connects you to the unfiltered/uncensored world.

After several meetings with the staff at the Stand, I have decided to narrow the posts to a group of ideas that will guide the content. A specialization so to speak. This came as a surprise to the "BBQ gang" here in the office, but layoffs had to be made. The staff is lean and the content will be focused. What does this do for the Jimmy Joe Meeker CEO? It will give an identity to this blog! Hopefully some of the categories (like Whats Better) will gain a regular reading audience and the newer categories will pick up a slew of new readers. So as we pull up the old carpet in the office and hire some new blood, we will be brainstorming the new format.

The Nuts and Bolts of the new Nanner Stand:

1. Theme driven content
2. More personal content
3. Take advantage of avenues to gain a broader readership
4. Interactive post lines
5. New logo and graphics
6. More company produced videos (they are already in the works and will get easier with the newest purchase of a FLIP video recorder)
7. Increase links section to include blogs I visit often (up to 50)
8. Use spell check
9. Reach 5000 posts along with the BOG
10. Get my second celebrity comment
11. Find Carmen!

So until the NEW STAND arrives......keep your shoes tied and your socks pulled tight.


Anonymous said...

Always keep the socks tight

Anonymous said...

How did you lose Carmen? I thought that she was always around

Anonymous said...

I'm Chi Chi Alfonso Dourado and I prove this message...I want to be the CEO! And I want a pony!

Anonymous said...

Chi Chi say I want corn and I better get some!