
8 random things that have happened in the last 2 days

1. I just got "Roll Tide-ed" by a 6 year old at the Winn Dixie....ahhh glad to have the Bammers back! At least he didn't flip me off.

2. Put seventy five cents in the coke machine and got the wrong drink. Not to complain about such a minor mistake, but damn we are in a recession!

3. My mother avoided 4 deer on the road today. It's not like we live in the country. For some reason I have the power to find animals in the oddest places. The day I graduated high school I was greeted by a white, riderless horse running down the middle of Halls Mill road. On a trip back from B-ham recently I passed a cow on the side of I-65. Apparently the animal kingdom is feeling the housing crunch.

4. My brother refused popcorn at the movies this weekend. How is that possible. Who turns down movie corn. Saw 4 Christmases and recommend it as a funny comedy.

5. The Meeker family Christmas extravaganza...known as Meeker-Grath Gardens is one day from officially opening for the season.

6. Had the brakes go out while driving tonight in the jeep. Pedal to the floor...no brake...had to use the flashers and the emergency brake. This is a first for me and I never want that feeling again.

7. I have lost all interest in politics since the election.

8. Has anyone ever used the window wiper thing-a-ma-jig at the gas station. How bad does that water stink!

Until next time.....help keep small business alive....use the bread tie!

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

1. I could sell the hell out of "the smoking mitt" where I work. Why the heck didn't I think of that. Where is Brettsky when I need him?
2. Did that kid have an Iron Bowl T-short on from Bama Fever that had so much stuff on it that it looked like a Jackson Pollock painting? I remember the Tiffin Kick (back when Rambo was hot) when I had to have the shirt titled "Bambo" with Big Al and holding up the Rambo knife. Loved it.
3. Did you pass a Mutaul of Omaho on the animal hunt?
4. The only time I ever eat popcorn is at the movies. Cant resist.
5. Going to the extravaganza tomorrow night!
6. Good thing they didn't go out in WV this time of year on your way back from the Black Bear! Those Ot Meal Stouts are stout.
7. Ditto
8. It's like putting your feet in the Arabian Sea off the Coast of Chowpatty Beach in Mumbai...ughhh