
Gene Chizik was my dream hire! I am so excited to write this post that I can barely type it!

Gene Chizik arrives in Auburn

This is a true story that can be backed up by every member of my family. I sat in section 43 this past season as we were about to take another loss on the home field and told my dad and brother:

"Tony Franklin is going to cost CTT his job this year. I love coach Tubbs but if he goes then I wish we would hire Gene Chizik."

My brother almost fell out (as did several other 43 regulars). He reminded me that Chizik was about to be canned from Iowa State and that he had a horrible record. My dad instantly asked if that was the defensive guy from 2004. My brother is my go-to guy when it comes to Auburn football and he knows his stuff. He was not happy with my comment but I said:

"Remember how much intensity those guys played with. Remember how gutsy and motivated those guys were. I don't think I will ever see a team like that again."

Everyone started to say how you gotta bring in a spread this or a big name that.I said:

"I don't care what anybody says because what makes me sick today is watching players take the field who look like they could care less if they won or loss. They have no fire. The don't look hungry at all! It's hard to brag about a team that looks beat and un-polished."

I even went as far as to say:

"I want animals on the field who want to destroy opposing teams. I want body bags and stretchers (I was a little upset...so cut me some slack). Why cant we play with intensity....I want Thunderstruck! I don't care how big time anybody is....Chizik was here when things were the best they have ever been. They will never hire him but I would hire him."......my dad was fully behind my choice, and i think my brother was at least tossing the idea around.

That was the last it was talked about until Saturday night when my brother gave me a look of HOLY CRAP! I am so dissapointed at Auburn fans right now that I could strangle someone with toilet paper. What in the world has happened to class and respect.....or for that matter love of your school. If you dont like the hire then keep it to yourself or say it in a way that makes people think you are over the age of 10.


1. Here is a guy who WANTS to come to AUBURN. He has stated that he loves the University, the people, the fans and the traditions. He is passionate about everything Auburn fans hold as important. He is, like CTT, a good man.

2. He is hard nosed, energetic, full throttle and tough. Former players and coaches have said he is all business and plays the best person who works his ass off and earns a job. He is a square jawed, gum smacking, double snap coach pants, hairy ass, chic flic hating, gut check drilling, run till you puke, bleeds orange and blue coach.

3. He has done the one thing that needed to be done befor he even set foot in his new office. He called Joe Whitt and told him to put down the fund raising phone and start recruiting the kind of players that he brought in the past. Joe Whitt is the most important man on campus in terms of football success. He then told all of the guys riding CTT coat tails good luck in finding another job.

4. He is everything that makes you go to bed early during the weak in hopes that gameday gets here faster. Gene Chizik has the potential to bring Auburn back to its senses. Stop trying to be Alabama, stop worrying about what the next hot scheme is and play hard nose Auburn football.

We have a guy who called this his dream job. A guy who refers to Auburn as a place he has roots! This is a guy who will be running out of that tunnel for Auburn and not to pad his resume. He is the kind of guy who you will see eating lunch in the local BBQ house. He is the kind of guy who will treat Auburn like a home and not just a place he draws a fat paycheck. He will become a part of the community and laugh at the thought of being intimidated by Nick Saban. So for all of you people bitching and moaning.....stay your ass at home next year and find another "University" to cheer for. Gene Chizik is Christmas come early! The Meeker is not taking credit for this hire but just in case someone was bugging that metal bleacher last season...........THANKS FOR LISTENING!

Until next time..........Welcome back coach! Now I know how Obama supporters felt that night.

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

Just a few thoughts....

--Yes, the guy was 5-19 in two seasons but look who he was coaching. And two years is not long enough to ressurect a program from death. I give him a break on this one.
--I am not sold he is "head coach material". Who knows, he could prove me wrong.
--Your right, he WANTS to be at Auburn. Wouldn't you after living in Iowa for two years? Plus, get a million dollar raise?
--Doesn't almost every coach become a part of the community in some form?
--How is Gene Chizik going to recruit against Richt, Meyer, Saban, Miles & Spurrier? Now add the Kiffin Mafia to the mix. This is going to be the key to his success -- can he get players who have no idea who he is. What is he going to say to them...."I coached at Auburn when they went 13-0?"

Not bashing the guy at all -- I dont know him -- plus, I am not even an Auburn fan so I really dont have any right to do so. I am just really thinking about the entire process. I hope he will be successful because I am ready to watch an Iron Bowl that actually means something.

Good Luck!