
The Meeker has a Hallmark moment......from the collection of short tales known as "The Way the Nanner Bends".

I snuggled into a leather booth at Denny's this morning for a little plate of heaven. That, to all you non-bowlers, is a beautiful three plate combination called "Moons over Mi-ham-i" As the grease around my sausage link began to gel into a small artery wedge, I decided to take my questions to the people. Get the views of those who wear polyester for a living, not just on Halloween. What is it that a single granny on $2.12 an hour and an addiction to 3 hour energy shots (black market)wants for Christmas this year. What is it that keeps these Grabowskys from stabbing out their eyes with a bent butter knife. The economy is hard people and here we are worrying about which lucky sum bitch is gonna get 4 million a year to run through a smokey tunnel once a week. What the hell has come over me? How could I spend 103 hours reading blogs this week? Small children in Uaparaguydia are to busy taking pictures and writing letters to their rich American sponsors to actually find the time to eat. We should be damn ashamed of our selves! So I decided to get up and take $8.96 down to the one place that is as close to the front lines of this economic meltdown.....Denny's. I padded the well worn booth seat that had taken on the shape of a Mississippi truckers ass cheeks and said come here Lurleen. Now are trying times and after you drop off that 4 day old Danish, I want you to sit that rear end down and take a load off those swollen cankles (be sure you top off my coffee on your way back). I said honey what is it that you want for Christmas this year? What will help you get up every morning and put on those Teflon coated support hose and ridiculous outfit? What will make you smile when you drop those crinkle cut frys in the fry daddy tonight?.....................................She said, Meeker I would kiss you square on the mouth if Alabama beats the Christian out of that smart ass Timmy Tebow!

God Bless you Lurleen and from this Auburn fan....Roll Tide.....That's a check in the good book Jesus!

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

What a use of adjectives! It was just like I was sitting next to you eating the The Super Bird or a Boca Burger with seasoned fries.