
Since Auburn hates people so much.....I thought I would just point out some of the other awful things happening down on the plains!

1. Auburn failed to even interview a Hispanic coaching candidate.

2. Auburn fired their most successful coach in history because he was white.

3. Auburn benched their white QB for a black quarterback who was less successful.

4. Auburn fired Al Borges because he was fat (sorry obese)

5. Will "MooseChump" was fired because he used language that was not Christian.

6. Auburn has never had a Jewish assistant coach.

7. Auburn tapes puppies to their tackling dummies and punts kittens during practice.

8. Auburn refuses to recruit from the large, national pool of 5 star Chinese athletes.

9. Orange and blue mixed together = something bad I am sure.

10. I wonder if someone should investigate whether Charles Barkley interviewed...(oops dated enough girls) before picking his current wife. I hope he didn't overlook the more qualified minority candidate

Until next time.......stop giving your used wallets to the homeless!


Anonymous said...

Orange and blue makes brown, pooh color

Anonymous said...

I think the negative reaction to the coaching "search" was generated because the process seemed limited in scope and depth. The choice in coach didn't help the perception that Auburn is another old-boy school. They hired a former assistant who couldn't cut it as a head coach in the Big 12. Was 2004 an aberation for Chizik and should you expect what was shown at Iowa State or will he step up now that he is in familiar territory. Time will tell, but Auburn missed a chance to make a significant minority hire.