
Will You?

1. Go see the giant Mobile Moon Pie drop on New Years Eve?

2. Leave your tree up until after the new year?

3. Give someone you strongly dislike a present?

4. Watch A Christmas Story again this year?

5. Still be shopping on Christmas Eve?

6. Use a live or plastic tree?

7. Tip your postman this season?

8. Wrap presents or just put them in those fancy bags?

9. Buy gifts off line?

10. Play dirty santa at least once?

**Bonus** Will you stand in line to return something you dont want or just say throw it in the trash?

Until next time......Keep small business alive....use the chip clip!


Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Go see the giant Mobile Moon Pie drop on New Years Eve?

2. Leave your tree up until after the new year?

3. Give someone you strongly dislike a present?

4. Watch A Christmas Story again this year?

5. Still be shopping on Christmas Eve?

6. Use a live or plastic tree?

7. Tip your postman this season?

8. Wrap presents or just put them in those fancy bags?

9. Buy gifts off line?

10. Play dirty santa at least once?

**Bonus** Will you stand in line to return something you dont want or just say throw it in the trash?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the receive bacon pic!!!

Anonymous said...

1. Have never seen giant moon pie drop, didn't know it existed and I've lived here over a decade
2. Maybe a day or two but that's it
3. Nope, if I don't like them, I don't like them and they get nothing
4. I've never actually seen the entire movie
5. Never shop on xmas eve
6. either, it doesn't matter
7. Nope, he's doing his job and I don't have one
8. Wrap them and add curly bows
9. Yes
10. In college, I bought someone a penis
Bonus: Return of course

Anonymous said...

Every time I look at the receive bacon picture, I laugh...like thinking of with sub titles!!

Tator Salad said...

1. No...what moon pie?
2. No...take down this weekend
3. No
4. Yes, my fav right behind Chevy
5. Plastic 8 years running
7. No...never heard of that
8. Both
9. Oh yes, the only way to shop
10. Do you mean the present game? If so, no.
11. Return but after the first of year.