We all remember exact moments in our life. For some it is a traumatic event like breaking an arm and for others it is a graduation or kiss from that little cheating hoochie in the 5th grade (sorry, I will not reveal any names...Spottswood). I tend to remember the most non-significant moments from my days as a wee lad. Like this.....
I remember sitting in the floor of my parents bedroom (about 1982)while one of our neighbors was explaining how we would all be in flying cars and have robots in the year 2000. I remember watching a space shuttle piggyback on a plan over my middle school and the face E.G. Hearn made as he thought about college on Mars. E.G. was later ran over by his mother in the car pool lane and he made the exact same face as the wood paneled grocery getter made a road kill out of him. OK...he wasn't seriously injured but I bet he still has a fear of Town and Country wagons. My point is that I spent most of my childhood preparing for the day libraries in every school would have to rename the Sci-Fi section to "current events". This over hyping by the powers to be made kids read more books and add Radio Shack science gizmos to their Christmas list. We all went to science class and actually paid attention. The time is getting near E.G and we need a plan!
Flash forward 27 years and what do we have? NOTHING. I have yet to see the first backpack rocket or hover board. Why am I still getting tires rotated? Where are all the robots? I had plans man!
Well I guess science fiction will always be just around the next century mark......OR IS IT?
Seems that one guy is promising some pretty sweet gadgets "in the near future". Is it possible that we could have TV in our contact lenses? According to this guy we could change channels with voice commands and look completely normal shouting out "Give me judge Judy on WKRG". He even says that they (yea, I know it is always they) are developing a fancy tattoo that will stimulate the nervous system and give you the feelings of your favorite television hero. So when Mc-Steamy is knocking the boots in the E.R or some fat guy does a Biggest Loser workout......you can share in all the fun. Well I don't know about you but I am not holding my breath. The fancy I-pod may have appeased the younger generation but my folks know it's just a fancy Walkman!
If you want to check it out for your selfHERE YA GO
Until next time.......anyone see my X-ray glasses lying around
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