Can you name 10 professional teams that have made appearances on the big screen?
You have to have at least one team from each of the 4 major sports (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL)
You do not have to name the movie but it would be helpful if you just gave a hint like...."the one about___" or if you know an actor from it. That way we know your not just guessing!
Lakers - Fletch
Boston Celtics - Kidnap Player dont know the name
Cleveland Indians - Major League
Yankees - Majoe League
Angels - Angels in the Outfield
Penquins - that bad action movie guy gets shot at the game
Arizona Cardinals - Jerry McGuire
Cleveland Browns - The Express
Eagles - Marky Mark Movie
Houston Astros - Bad News Bears
1.California Angels (Angels in the outfield)
2.Houston Astros (Bad News Bears)
3.Yankees (Pride of the yankees)
4.NBA (Movie where billy crystal was referee i think it was the knicks)
5.Philadelphia Eagles (Invincible)
6.Dallas Cowboys (North Dallas forty
7.Cleveland Indians - Major League
8.Chicago White Sox - 8 Men out
9.Vancouver Canucks - Forever Faithful
10.Red Sox - Fever Pitch
Come on is that all you got
Mayday knocks this thing out!
I was hoping someone would throw out some North Dallas Forty.
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