
Meeker has thrown his hat in the ring!

That is right my loyal subjects, the Meeker is attempting to join the ranks of the rat race coalition. This development could mean that the old trusty wallet comes out of retirement.

One resume has been dropped in the bucket for a job could pay a hansom salary. Now the wait begins. if that doesn't work out....just remember to answer your phone Vandalay Industries and tell them how great your latex salesman is.

If all else fails.....I can always start an infomercial!

1 comment:

Tator Salad said...

My man is going to work!

Dont forget the Keg Man Bowling, Inc. business. Or, you could always call up Brettsky for an idea. Who knows, it may be a water massager one week and a golf touring agency the next.

By the way, I need my grass cut.