Well here we are once again celebrating "National Hug A Tree Day" and the environmentalist are spreading the word of our impending doom. Not just any doom but that pressing day that we all turn into Kingsford charcoal and flame up under the heat generated by all those unregulated 89 Corollas. Wait a minute.....we might just all drown from the tidal wave of Arctic water that surges from those melting polar ice caps. I wonder if the polar bear will become the new state animal of lower Alabama? Either way the battle of global destruction rages on.
People who do not really know me that well tend to throw me in the environmental wacko category because I (like most sensible humans) care about the environment. The problem is that I see the problem slightly different from those chaining themselves to the largest tree they can find. To me it seems like we are all on the sinking Titanic and people are up in arms about the possibility that the boat may catch on fire.
When it comes to environmental issues I prefer to focus on issues that do not take 25 years of research to figure out. Every time someone asks me about global warming....I say if the smartest scientists on the planet can't seem to agree on whether this is scare tactics or true science......how the Hell am i going to know. every month the earth is getting hotter according to some and colder according to others. The truth is we will never know who is right because we will all be dead before they come to some agreement. So what is it that I am concerned about? Well the Meeker considers himself a common sense kind of guy.
I give you my official stance on the environment in two simple causes that I feel passionate about......and they have nothing to do with global warming!
Somehow we have replaced the word POLLUTION with GLOBAL WARMING. People understand pollution. Pollution affect everyone RIGHT NOW! There is no guessing and no debate about dirty air and water. When I was a kid, you could grab a fishing pole and head out to any body of water in Mobile and eat what ever you caught. You could swim with your mouth open! You could lay in the salt water of the beach and clear up a dozen mosquito bites in one vacation day. I would not eat a fish out of dog river or swim in Mobile Bay if you paid me. At least a dozen times a year we are alerted to the ever familiar warning of contaminates in the water way. Don't swim of this beach. Don't eat fish from the bay. Don't get in the water with an open wound if you like having flesh cover your bones. A few years back the Press register had an article revealing the mercury count in fish along the Gulf Coast. Let me tell you that it was not something to brag about. Not even a month ago we were alerted to the coal sludge that was pouring into the bay over at Mcduffie Terminal. By focusing all this time and effort to something that might eventually happen with the temperature, we have neglected the things that have an IMMEDIATE impact on life at this moment. I am not as concerned about the chance of global temperature rise in 100 years because we are all going to be standing around with our thumb up our ass scared to do anything. Lets think about quality of life people. Lets think about preserving and protecting what we have right now. You do not need a PHD or a Verizon style network of politicians to tell you that we are dirtying up or own porches. What a disgrace to think that we are already to the point where eating fish that is not stamped Winn Dixie is something they did before your time.
MY BIGGEST complaint is that we are not focusing on a problem that a 6th grader can see. It's not so much about temperature folks. It is about garbage. People always wonder why I am against all the plastic crap that we like to produce and use. All those damn Walmart bags and bottled waters do not go anywhere. They do not turn into dirt. They do not just disappear when you chunk them in the BFI can. Where do we think all this garbage is going? For on week just look at the amount of garbage you throw out. Now just try and think about where all this crap is going. You can keep digging holes and filling them over with dirt but eventually you are going to run out of room. The land fills are becoming such prized real estate that the Mississippi river has become a log jam of garbage filled barges headed to the less dense southern states for dumping. Other countries have resorted to just dumping their garbage right in the ocean. This has led to a wonderful phenomenon of destruction. So I beg all you tree hugging people and Prius owners to take a step back and start looking at things that are not up for debate. Try putting more time into preserving what planet and beautiful land we have or who will really give a sh%$ if we eventually burn up. We will be so tired of the mountains of garbage and the smell that we will gladly line up for the barbecue. So on this Earth Day, please take a moment to consider a problem that is not going away and is increasing every day. Try getting off the plastic bags and don't be scared to recycle the plastic you do use.
"Americans use 2 million plastic drink bottles every 5 minutes......every day"
In honor of you, I used all reusable bags at the grocery store today--for the first time ever on earth day
Here's my feedback:
I watched the video and it's very poignant in getting the message across about pollution/trash that we as a people are responsible for. You get the message in simple terms without rhetoric from either side.
Having five children I know that our footprint is much bigger than the average family with 2.1 kids and its something I do think about. Sadly, I know we don't do enough to reduce the amount of waste we produce or recycle. After reading something about the amount of water bottles that are used each day, I stopped buying bottled water. I then bought reusable water bottles for everyone to use.
I would love it if I never had to see or use one of those damn plastic grocery bags again. I hate them! I avoid using them for small purchases but I have not found a solution for big grocery shopping trips. Very few places use paper these days it seems.
Excellent post today! Loving the inventive and abstract metaphors in your writing. :)
Good post. I do my part too. The sad part is theres billions (trillions?) in this world who dont...and never will. Theres people who talk about it and dont. Theres companies who have policies about it but dont stand by them. I have been to third world countries where half the city is nothing but junk. Personally, I think we are in a losing battle..but as they say...every little thing counts.
I am intrigued and will see the movie "Earth" this weekend about global warming and the impact it has on the creatures of our world. We not only effect our lives but also the habitat around us. I'm not sure how, or if we ever will solve this problem. The good news is that becoming "green" is more prevelent in casual conversation today than it ever has been.
It's hard to think about what world our kids and grand kids will have to live in one day. It wont just be the stories about "I used to walk 5 miles uphill in snow just to catch the bus" but instead...what is snow?
Nice post.
I wanted to come back to this a moment. At Earth Day Mobile they had a quiz you could take to find out what type of carbon footprint you were leaving here on the planet. Being a family of seven I thought ours would be huge! We took the test and are carbon foot print was less than average. I was really surprised to be honest with you.
Anyway, there was all kinds of info on how to reduce your carbon footprint and the kids were really interested, so maybe I will have me some little recyclers on my hands.
Tator you will have to let me know about the Earth movie.
Yes undoubtedly, in some moments I can bruit about that I agree with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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