
I am so so so juiced to see this movie!

Who over the age of 35 is not a Star Wars fan? I'm not talking convention goers with a wookie costume in their closet or a homemade light saber under their van seat, but all the adults who where blown away in that movie theater as a kid. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was that movie house(now torn down) that was in the middle of the mall perking lot. It had some kind of clown head on the roof or something. It only had 2 theaters and they showed Star Wars on both screens for months. I remember standing in line with my mother, seeing the movie and then repeating the process 9 more times. I still have the free giant comic book they gave away to every customer. I was instantly hooked and the movie still brings back fond memories of childhood. Although the magic sort of dulled after Return of The Jedi, I have still considered myself a huge fan. So if you consider yourself a fan....join me at the movies when this hits the screen! I may even wear my Darth Vader mask!!

Until next time.........You got a big butt...like Jabba the Hut

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