
Meekers 2009 Trivia Challenge.......No tricks...there is an answer....you just have to figure it out!

I have developed what i consider a trivia masterpiece. I have decided to offer my blog readers the chance to fry their brain trying to answer it. I am willing to bet that this question will remain open until the end of 2009.

Here are the guidelines. I will keep the question over in the sidebar so you will constantly have it taunt you when you visit. If you can answer it...just place your comment in the most recent post. I will even offer up space on my sidebar for you to place any picture you want (no nudity)for 3 months. I will even offer various prizes through pictures or video each month that passes.

SO HERE IT IS.............

What does Kojak, Jim Rockford, Jaime Sommers and Janine Melnitz have in common?


Anonymous said...

Commonality...I don't know who they are.
Please send my prize to my home address.

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

Now that is funny!

I know you know who kojak is

Jim Rockford is a character from the 1980's T.V. show the Rockford Files

Jaime Sommers is the character name of the Bionic Woman

Janine Melnitz is a character from the Ghostbusters movie

Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

don't worry La-JJ, you can still get this with a little detective work.

Tator Salad said...

Give me some time...and I am THISSSS close to gettying the LA-JJ blog public!