
The What is Better post of the week:

1. libraries or book stores

2. pre-game picks or post-game wrap up

3. Netflix or Blockbuster

4. 1 pillow or 2 pillows

5. MTV or VH1

6. Ashton Kucher or Josh Hartnet

7. Hunts or Heinz

8. drive through or go inside

9. Heavy starch or Light starch

10. Nike or New Balance


Olympic fencing or Olympic water polo


Deano "aka" Jimmy Joe Meeker "aka" Fat Elvis said...

1. libraries or book stores

2. pre-game picks or post-game wrap up

3. Netflix or Blockbuster

4. 1 pillow or 2 pillows

5. MTV or VH1

6. Ashton Kucher or Josh Hartnet

7. Hunts or Heinz

8. drive through or go inside

9. Heavy starch or Light starch

10. Nike or New Balance


Olympic fencing or Olympic water polo

Tator Salad said...

--I frequent neither.
--post-game wrap ups (picks are just that)
--4 pillows + a little black one
--VH1...MTV is trash
--Neither good actors.
--Heinz baby. Nothing else compares.
--drive through. There were drive through liquor stores in Arkansas. Genious!
--light. I like to be able to move my arms when handing out promo pens.
--Nike....but sketchers are better
--Fencing -- they look like moon men and their head lights up when their hit


The Cup said...

I felt like I should get in on the action..

-Book Stores
-Pre-Game Pick.. Corso w/ the mascot head is priceless
-Blockbuster/ I can't plan that far ahead w/ NetFlix
-2 Pillows
-VH1/ Reality Shows are better
-Ashton Kucher.. you have to be pretty hot to bag Demi Moore
-Heinz.. Enough said
-Light Starch
-New Balance.. Superior in the running department
Does it really matter

Anonymous said...

1. Libraries if you want to read, bookstores if you want to sip coffee and put on itellectual airs.
2. pre-game
3. Blockbuster
4. 2
5. VH1
6. Kutcher...are you kidding me?
7. Ketchup makes my taste buds swell
8. inside
9. light
10. new balance
BONUS: water polo...I like stamina

Anonymous said...

- libraries - free books.
- Post game
- Netflix.
- two pillows + body pillow
- VH1 - best week ever.
- errr.
- Heinz. Ketchup doesn't make anything on me swell.
- Go Inside. Save time and gas.
- light starch.
- Nike.

Bonus- U.S. women swept fencing this year. Fencing.