
What's Better: "Halloween Edition"

1. Dracula or Frankienstien

2. Homemade costume or Store bought

3. A bag for candy collecting or the plastic pumpkin

4. Pigging out on candy corn or those mini candy bars

5. Elvira or Mortisha from the Adams family

6. Adams family or the Munsters

7. Teen wolf or Silver bullett (the one with the whealchair kid)

8. Best Halloween symbol: Black cat or Witch on a broom

9. Giving out candy or turning off the porch light and pretending your not home

10. Halloween or bring on the next damn holiday

DO you decorate for the all hollowed eve?

WHO AM I POST: Can you name this Mobile legend standing on the left?

Clue #1: think politics

Clue #2: Animals with really soft fur

Clue #3: Where the baby Redskins play?

OK this is my greatest find ever! At the fair and I run across my HERO...the MAD TV Kenny Rogers character! Read below if you dont know who he is!

OK, for those of you who are not familiar with the fake Kenny Rogers, please click the video below and wait till about the 30 second mark. EXACT twins I tell you. I swear my mouth hit the ground when I saw this guy at the fair. Oh yea, if you have not seen the skit below.....watch it and enjoy comedy at its best.

The Greater Gulf State Fair wrap up

Did she say what ya "WUNT"
How goofy is this chicken...Looks like a Little Debbie Zebra cake
The Sheriffs Flotilla makes a guest appearance on the Stand.

We got a 1480 at the shiter....looks like a tainted funnel cake


Wow there are already Sham-Wow fakes on the market. He even had the carpet square! No fancy microphone though

More from the Greater Gulf State Fair/Redneck walk-about
This guy wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was stealing the Sham-Wows idea. Same routine...same product look. Well, they say imitation is the best form of flattery. I really wanted to grab one and say.."wait a minute...these bitches aint made in Germany...this says China!"

Even the Nanner has been hit by the recent economic crisis...Hey a job is a job...even if its piggy porn

Oh yea show me the bacon in that trunk baby
A double shot of tight hams for my chubby chasers out there. Go ahead and get yourself a "pulled pork" samich!
Is it cold in here or is it just me?
Al Bundy aint every seen jugs like this! Big Tittied Sunday at it's best

How F$%#ing hard is it to drag your buggy and your lazy ass to the buggy rack? I hate you people!...needed to get that off my chest.

The neighbor. I never knew he was such a fan. 6 items of paraphernalia.

So is it just me, or is Alabama paraphernalia EVERYWHERE? Last week I tried to see how long it took or how far I could go without seeing the crimson. So in this official scientific study....here are my results:

Day 1: Never got out of the driveway (super fan next door)

Day 2: excluded everyone in the neighborhood, Made it 1.5 miles to the first stop sign and saw the dual car flags.

Day 3: Made it 50 more yards and saw a hat/shirt combo pumping gas (not even at the Terry's Tide...blasphemy)

Day 4: Got a car length on the main road....bam! car flag

Day 5: Pondered closing one eye as I drove...but made it to all the way onto Cottage Hill Rd.

You have to give it up to the Bama fans.....they will buy anything with that logo on it. Although they have been in the closet for the last few years (hopefully they left the place clean for all the Auburn fans moving in) they have regained that great fan mentality. It has been rather boring for us Auburn fans over the past 6 years because whether you like them or not, Bama fans make the rivalry. So all you Bamer fans run to the attic and break out that dusty crimson hat....it's back in style

Oh Boy! a new strip mall in Mobile...Hooray one more nail shop, hair salon and package store. Is this city really growing?

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that every new business that opens in Mobile is just mimic of whats down the road. I am so sick of looking at Rite-Aids, check cashing centers, discount stores, dollar generals, pawn shops and Title Loan stores. I dont know what happened but it seems like the city is getting more and more like one big "Hood".


"Your 2 cents worth"

1. Best black comedian?

2. best white comedian?

3. One product sold on TV that you secretly want to buy?

4. Are beards sexy?

5. Where do you sit in the theater...high, middle, low seats?

6. Do you have a co-worker you secretly wish would be fired today?

7. Do you drink from the carton when alone?

8. Do you use a wash rag or just the soap?

9. How often should bed sheets be washed?

10. Fill the car up every time or just a few bucks worth?

Will you get a flu shot this year?

Best new show on T.V...Please check it....Thursdays 9:00.."Life on Mars"...1973, cops and Harvey Keitel...come on!

The Hook: guy is a detective 2008....gets hit by car...wakes up in 1973....Harvey Keitel is the boss...old school cop work, sideburns, handlebar mustaches, cool ass cars, and a great soundtrack! What else do you need!


Go ahead and get your laugh on......Is this not in the conversation for greatest sports movie of all time?

Bill Murray should be worshiped for this scene

Where I would be tonight if I were in the Mo-town

I would lick a bums ass right now for a Rail Trail and a pint of Oatmeal Stout.

Man eats a 15 lb burger in 4 hours....Move over Joey Chestnut!

Click Here for the site and story
I have been by this place but never got the chance to take my shot at the burgers of all burgers. I smell a road trip.

My last "gubment" post.....Tell me what you think on this!

1. I think everyone should get 4 years of college for free. debate it all you want, but everybody wins.

2. J-mac says more available student loans: It is true that the max amount you can take from the federal program is not enough to cover the expenses at Auburn or Alabama. Negative--- a 4 year degree at Auburn (not including basic living expenses)will run you $60,000 plus. I did 2 years and have a $32,000 monkey on my back. It may not be so great for the economy if you are stuck paying off a loan at 6% for the next 20 years.

3. Obamas plan is to give a $4,000 per year student credit. You get this if you provide (length not determined as of yet) service in the military, peace corps or some community service. This will apparently help with the burden on so many students. The truth.........2 possible scenarios.....

1. Joe goes to school for 4 years (you pick the degree)
2. Joe has $65,000 in debt
3. Joe has 6 months before he must start writing that check to Fanny
4. Oh no, Joe can't get a job because he is going to do a year in the piece corps
5. Joe gets his $4,000 check that he tries to live on for the next year.
6. Joe can't afford rent while helping the poor and is eating rice and weenies
7. Joe defaults on his loan.
8. Joe is F%$#D

1. Joe tries to do community activist stuff while in college
2. Joe gets $4,000 each year for his service
3. Joe graduates in 5 years because he spends so much time doing "service"
4. Joe has made an extra $16,000 from the government
5. Joe now has a loan of $80,000 because of his extra year.
6. Net gain 80 - 16 = Joe owes $64,000 in loans
7. Joe got a $1,000 break and all is right with the world.

Untill next time: See you at tonights peace corps rally!

If you do not think the BIG LEBOWSKI is the greatest comedy of all time......you will not find this video funny. This one goes out to JOE D

If you have not seen it....shame on you. If you don't get it....I really don't know why we are friends. It is only the third most quoted movie behind Star Wars and Caddy Shack. This movie is to me what Shawshank Redemption is to the BOG. I can watch it 3 times in one day. Some people want to go to Disney World or the Bahamas.....I want to go to the shrine of "Dude-ism"...Lebowski Fest. A place I can dress up like "the other Lebowski", bowl on Shamus and go to the ATM with Bunny. The mad Hungarian knows what I'm talking about! UNtill next time....SHAM_WOW

Tell me what you think!

The following information is referenced from Brad O'Leary who has authored political books on economics and politics.

I find this very interesting:

Obama says his plan will give "a tax cut to 95% of Americans....95%"

THE PROBLEM: 30% of Americans pay no taxes because they do not work or they do not make enough to be taxed. The majority of the tax burden is payed by 70% of Americans.

FUNNY MATH: If 70% are paying....how are 95% going to get a tax cut?

THE ANSWER: 70% get a tax break and 30-35% get an increase in welfare. Then UH-OH where is that money gonna come from? Obama said "how many plumbers do you know making $250,000 a year"....none now because they will be penalized to pay for those who need a flat screen in the trailer or some new rims on their car.

BEST DESCRIPTION OF THE OBAMA PLAN I HAVE HEARD: "Obamas plan....It's like telling kids in school that if you are making C's then nothing will change. If you are making D's then you will see an increase in the curve so that you are now making C's. For every A that you make you have to spend 2 hours tutoring a C student. Let's just all make D's"


Took a little time to watch the last debate tonight.....as did the idiot below

The Nanner does not support either candidate at this point. I don't know who I will pull the lever for on that big day. So with that being said.....

1. Watching CNN right now on line. It is sad that we let everyone vote for the president. Why is it that every Obama supporter talks like they dropped out of school in the 9th grade. I am so tired of hearing "I think he hitted on all the points, like the education and such...the war...he bring a sense of help. We gotta have the help". "He can do the right thing....He just has the presence".

2. Is Johnny Mac asleep at the wheel. Does he not watch the same news we watch. Stop talking about ideology, fiscal floor spending and diplomatic pre-conditions. You are behind because the voters who will swing this thing are the kind of people who screw up your burger order, hang their Marlboro out the window of their rusted out car and have 4 kids they can't afford.

3. We have all driven through or been in bad neighborhoods and bad cities. Obama is not going to spread magic fairy dust over these places and cause poor people to run off to college and get real jobs. He says he is for the middle class but I think his definition and my definition of middle class is very different. I think you have to work your way to middle class not be brought to it by the government. That being said....Johnny Mac will always look out for the country club people I will never rub elbows with. When a mans wife wears a $300,000 dress to a debate aligns himself with the same crooks that ran us into this economic mess.

4. SO what do we do?.............we get up go to school or work tomorrow, raise your kids right, buy what you can afford, work hard, lock your doors and hope we come up with a better set of fruitcakes next time.

Until then....Call Liberty, they will help you live a better life.

Sometimes you just get pitted....so pitted!

Go ahead and call over your co-worker because that's just funny!

My cat has a porn stash!

Some people do not even know I have a cat, yet one with a mustach. Well here is the skinny on a skinny cat:
1. Name: Saber (actually Sabertiny after the Ernest Borgnine character on a little show called Airwolf)
2. Got her free from a student at South Alabama in the summer of 1990...yes that makes her 18 years old!
3. She is an inside only cat
4. She once crawled under the dash of the car and into the glove compartment

A few picks from the Mississippi corn maze

I know....go ahead and make fun of this one, but maybe the Meeker has a soft side!

Future Ball Park frank!
The worlds only narcoleptic pig!
Is that a corn cannon in your hand or are you just happy to see me!

A genuine bonefide pig racer. Keep an eye out for an exclusive video interview to come soon about those SOB's from PETA. A true exclusive!